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Rewards - Polkadot

Rewards by era

Returns delegator rewards (net, aka post-on-chain validator commission) by era. We return data for the past 30 days. Data is available approximately 3 hours after the end of an era.



  • accounts* takes in an array of stash accounts addresses.
  • start* and end* are era numbers, both inclusive.


The response is broken down between meta and data :

  • meta
    • network : The name of the network queried.
    • period_unit : The unit of the period field under data
  • data is an array of objects, one for each era containing:
    • validator : Returns the validator that distributed the rewards.
    • period : The era number.
    • timestamp : The timestamp of the end of the era.
    • rewards : An array of objects with four components: numeric, exp, and currency. The formula to compute the final rewards in the currency unit is numeric x 10^-exp (text is the string version of this)
    • balances: an array of objects. Staked balances only for now
Request (try it)
Example Response
"data": [
"accounts": [
"chain_id": "mainnet",
"rewards": [
"text": "4.4045175383 DOT",
"currency": "DOT",
"numeric": 44045175383,
"exp": 10
"period": "845",
"validator": "138QdRbUTB9eNY94Q4Mj5r39FkgMiyHCAy8UFMNA5gvtrfSB",
"timestamp": "2022-09-25T15:36:18Z"
"accounts": [
"chain_id": "mainnet",
"rewards": [
"text": "3.6694634053 DOT",
"currency": "DOT",
"numeric": 36694634053,
"exp": 10
"period": "846",
"validator": "138QdRbUTB9eNY94Q4Mj5r39FkgMiyHCAy8UFMNA5gvtrfSB",
"timestamp": "2022-09-26T15:36:18Z"
"meta": {
"network": "polkadot",
"period_unit": "era"