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Rewards - NEAR

Rewards by epoch

Returns net delegator rewards (post-on-chain validator commission) by epoch



  • accounts* takes in an array of delegator accounts addresses.
  • start* and end* are epoch numbers, both inclusive.


The response is broken down between meta and data :

  • meta
    • network : The name of the network queried
    • period_unit : The unit of the period field under data.
  • data : An array of objects, one for each epoch containing:
    • validator : Returns the validator that distributed the rewards.
    • period : The epoch number.
    • timestamp : The timestamp of the end of the epoch.
    • rewards : An array of objects with four components: numeric, exp, and currency. The formula to compute the final rewards in the currency unit is numeric x 10^(-exp) (text is the string version of this).


  • The API returns rewards for Figment validators only.
  • Data is available approximately an hour after the end of the day or epoch. When requesting daily for the current day, the data will be available but obviously partially complete as the day progresses.
Request (try it)
Example Response
"data": [
"accounts": [
"chain_id": "mainnet",
"rewards": [
"text": "221.415622439422952523250579 NEAR",
"currency": "NEAR",
"numeric": 2.2141562243942295e+26,
"exp": 24
"period": "75743490",
"validator": "figment.poolv1.near",
"timestamp": "2022-10-08T13:33:18.784283459Z"
"accounts": [
"chain_id": "mainnet",
"rewards": [
"text": "0 NEAR",
"currency": "NEAR",
"numeric": 0,
"exp": 24
"period": "75743490",
"validator": "ledgerbyfigment.poolv1.near",
"timestamp": "2022-10-08T13:33:18.784283459Z"
"meta": {
"network": "near",
"period_unit": "epoch"